Sunday, February 5, 2012


RED jeans

cutesey-combat boots
hair bows :)

white-eyelet dress

patterned black stockings

yellow tights :)

christian louboutin yellow pumps.... (a girl can dream)
red tunic - more dreamin :'(

platform beige lace-up heels

white knit infinity scarf

Zhang Toi dress (= and more dreamin)

Saturday, February 4, 2012

Rabbit Scarfs

hi! it's getting a little warmer here (but not by much) so i risked the no jacket :O
shirt (Forever21), jeans (Macy's), shoes (Nike), and scarf (handmade)

In the end, it actually wasn't that cold, but either way, my supah fluffy scarf would kave kept me warm (kinda) :)
SUPER fluffy scarf :)

I made it by taking a long strip of fluffy cloth (about 5 to 6 feet, by about 1 foot), then first sewing the long sides into a tube, then turning it inside out and sewing the two ends together. The nice thing about fluffy cloth is the stitching really doesn't matter, since in the end, it's mostly covered up anyway :)

thanks for reading, have a nice day!

Tuesday, January 31, 2012

RED Cardi

ALRIGHTIE, so last friday, i had a meeting a lunch with this super nice lady from FIDM, because i wanted to find some more info on the details on going into a design major and whatnot.

and for the occasion, i really wanted to wear at least one decent article of clothing that i'd made myself, so that morning, i woke up at 3:30 (not a sane hour, i know) and got started on an oversized red fleece cardigan.

By. Hand. (i can't blame this on insane hours, that's just me being crazy)

anyways this is how my morning began: First, i cut out the base and the sleeves:

 then the holes for the sleeves:

Then matched them up together and sewed it all up:

THEN I DID HEMMED. andhemmedandhemmedandhemmed.
until my fingers were all full of holes and the edges were no longer dripping bits of fluff, since this fabric shed LIKE CRAZY.

But that's a small price to pay since it's really soft and turned out really warm as well.
(i had people feeling up my sleeves all day <3)

in the end, this is how i wore it to school
 Striped shirt (again)(Tilly's), Jeans (Charlotte Russe) necklace (garage sale), shoes (Nike) and cardi/sweater (handmade, dur)
the first thing the FIDM lady said when she saw me was that she really loved the color <3
i'm thinking that's a good thing
(and she said it was really soft too)

The jeans when i bought them, were actually super huge and on clearance for $8, so i bought them and altered them to my-size skinnies :)

Obviously, i can't make something new and NOT try it on with every other piece of clothing that i own now can I?

Since i really dressed it down during the day i figured, i'd try to dress it up a bit :)
Black dress (handmade), stripey tights (Forever21), boots (Fanime Con, Dealer's Hall), and cardi/sweater (again, handmade)
 i don't always dress this monochromey, usually it's more like willy-wonka colors, (or more accuracy, like Harper from Wizards of Wavery Place, if anyone's found themselves on a couch watching with a sibling, like i aways find myself doing)
(i've watched more Phineas and Ferb than any over-achieving junior should have the time to)

ANYWAYS, thanks for reading! have a good one!

Monday, January 30, 2012

Black weather and Black skirts

RAINY! rainy! rainy! rainy!

personally, i like all weather, but RAIN IS COLD.

so i decided to wear this to not keep me warmer:
striped shirt (Tilly's), a black jacket (Macy's), leggings and socks (Forever21), boots (Payless), and skirt (handmade)

just kidding :) i actually really layered this outfit on, so it was surprisingly warm for something with a skirt involved.
heh, as much as i think it would be awesome to be one, i'm not a brand shopper.

aka, i'm cheap (and proud)

maybe when i'm older, i'll be more interested in it all, but for now, NAH.

PS: though the sky looks bright in the picture, it was actually raining when i took it (TT^TT)

Sunday, January 29, 2012

Pineapple Pencil Pouch

hey out there!

so, a few months ago, my friend asked me if i could make her a new pencil pouch since the one she had then was a flat metal boxy one, that she found really really annoying.

i kinda liked her boxy one because her rubber eraser can conveniently stick to the outside, but whatever, i'm not one to turn down an opportunity to make something new :)

so this friend, she's also kinda pregnant, but she hates being reminded of it because according to us, her baby is an invisible pineapple baby named anna.

it's been quite a few months since she's found out, but she's still in complete denial.

SO, i conveniently, made her pencil case in the shape of a pineapple.


BTW, her name is wee-teng. that's why it's written in the bottom :)

(aka, it's not just random chinese)

i'm giving to her tomorrow, i hope she like it (and doesn't beat me to deat with it, gah)

wish me luck (if i never blog again, we'll know who to blame)

Anyways, thanks for reading, and have a great day! :)

Oh! and, i'm still hunting for some cool blogs to follow, if someone's got a recommendation, please comment away!


So a while ago i made a calculator plushie!

as you can see, it was really, REALLY simple to make... 

i was thinking, if i had time, to make a bigger momma-type plushie for this one and have a whole family! then maybe a papa one too...

anyway, it was really fun to make <3

if anyone wants to buy it, it's going for $4.00 (plus shipping).

tell me if you're interested!

Saturday, January 28, 2012

Keane- Somewhere Only We Know




all right, admit it. it was cute.
plus the drummer was amazingbeautifulSEXGOD pretty hot, who's with me?

SO, the story:
a while ago i heard this song on the radio and absolutly loved it, so i looked it up on youtube and loved it even more and for a while, i was totally obsessed with it and listened to it all the time, day and night, you know how it goes :)

i was so obsessed i even made a plushie for it.

that's right.

it's a plushie. and probably the only one in the world too.

the body and detail were both relatively easy, but the CROWN-THING.

OHGOODLORD that was so time-consuming. i was able to stitch on the inside-side of it until about halfway, before i had to turn it inside out and ladder stitch the whole rest of it.

If there are any die-hard keane fans are out there, it's for sale :)
for this one, any potential buyers can just name their price~

BTW, all done by hand TT^TT
close-up :)


thanks for reading! i hope you liked!