Sunday, January 29, 2012

Pineapple Pencil Pouch

hey out there!

so, a few months ago, my friend asked me if i could make her a new pencil pouch since the one she had then was a flat metal boxy one, that she found really really annoying.

i kinda liked her boxy one because her rubber eraser can conveniently stick to the outside, but whatever, i'm not one to turn down an opportunity to make something new :)

so this friend, she's also kinda pregnant, but she hates being reminded of it because according to us, her baby is an invisible pineapple baby named anna.

it's been quite a few months since she's found out, but she's still in complete denial.

SO, i conveniently, made her pencil case in the shape of a pineapple.


BTW, her name is wee-teng. that's why it's written in the bottom :)

(aka, it's not just random chinese)

i'm giving to her tomorrow, i hope she like it (and doesn't beat me to deat with it, gah)

wish me luck (if i never blog again, we'll know who to blame)

Anyways, thanks for reading, and have a great day! :)

Oh! and, i'm still hunting for some cool blogs to follow, if someone's got a recommendation, please comment away!


  1. for fashion blogs, i like and

    1. thanks! i checked them out and they've got such cute stuff! i love their stuff and OMG, if only i could pull off what they wore!

      thanks for the referals! if you have any more, i'd absolutly appriciate them!

      PS: your style is adorable too!
