Tuesday, January 31, 2012

RED Cardi

ALRIGHTIE, so last friday, i had a meeting a lunch with this super nice lady from FIDM, because i wanted to find some more info on the details on going into a design major and whatnot.

and for the occasion, i really wanted to wear at least one decent article of clothing that i'd made myself, so that morning, i woke up at 3:30 (not a sane hour, i know) and got started on an oversized red fleece cardigan.

By. Hand. (i can't blame this on insane hours, that's just me being crazy)

anyways this is how my morning began: First, i cut out the base and the sleeves:

 then the holes for the sleeves:

Then matched them up together and sewed it all up:

THEN I DID HEMMED. andhemmedandhemmedandhemmed.
until my fingers were all full of holes and the edges were no longer dripping bits of fluff, since this fabric shed LIKE CRAZY.

But that's a small price to pay since it's really soft and turned out really warm as well.
(i had people feeling up my sleeves all day <3)

in the end, this is how i wore it to school
 Striped shirt (again)(Tilly's), Jeans (Charlotte Russe) necklace (garage sale), shoes (Nike) and cardi/sweater (handmade, dur)
the first thing the FIDM lady said when she saw me was that she really loved the color <3
i'm thinking that's a good thing
(and she said it was really soft too)

The jeans when i bought them, were actually super huge and on clearance for $8, so i bought them and altered them to my-size skinnies :)

Obviously, i can't make something new and NOT try it on with every other piece of clothing that i own now can I?

Since i really dressed it down during the day i figured, i'd try to dress it up a bit :)
Black dress (handmade), stripey tights (Forever21), boots (Fanime Con, Dealer's Hall), and cardi/sweater (again, handmade)
 i don't always dress this monochromey, usually it's more like willy-wonka colors, (or more accuracy, like Harper from Wizards of Wavery Place, if anyone's found themselves on a couch watching with a sibling, like i aways find myself doing)
(i've watched more Phineas and Ferb than any over-achieving junior should have the time to)

ANYWAYS, thanks for reading! have a good one!


  1. You're crazy... but the cardigan is so cute! I wish I had your sewing talents!

    1. thanks a ton!! i wish i had your journalism talents too! i'm taking journalism this year as a sports writer, but i barely know anything about it and it's alot harder than i thought it'd be!

  2. OH OH I love it so much!!!!!! Hope your meeting provided some insight!

